Device partially enrolled

A computer is considered "partially enrolled" in Primo when the MDM enrollment process is incomplete, and to resolve this, users should follow specific steps based on the situation, such as addressing missing profiles or agents, with further assistance available from Primo support if issues persist.

2 min read

Status explanation

A computer is considered "partially enrolled" when the enrollment process in Primo (= MDM deployment) has not been fully completed. This status means that the MDM is not fully active on the computer.

This situation can occur for several reasons:

  • The user has not completed all enrollment steps
  • The Fleet agent installation has not been finalized (mainly on MacOS)
  • The user has not stayed connected long enough to complete synchronization
  • The MDM agent or profile has been uninstalled or blocked

Identifying partially enrolled computers

As an administrator, you can identify a partially enrolled computer in several ways:

  • The device's Enrollment status provides indications of potential errors:
  • The device appears as offline even though it is being used by an employee

Resolving the issue

To complete the enrollment or re-enroll a partially enrolled computer, here are the steps to follow depending on the situation:

  • Missing agent (on MacOS): ask the employee to log into their Primo enrollment page and click on the computer assigned to them. They can download the agent independently.
  • Offline computer: ask the employee to re-enroll their computer. You can automate this action in Settings > Remote Management > enable Automatic Unenrollment.

Once the actions have been taken by the employee, the computer should appear as properly enrolled in Primo within 30 minutes (synchronization time between Fleet and Primo).

If the issue persists after following these steps, it is recommended to contact Primo support for personalized assistance.

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