Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Use and configure MDM
32 articles
Reset password MacBook
Learn how to unlock your MacBook if you've forgotten your password, including methods for devices enrolled with MDM, those linked to an Apple ID, and the last resort of completely resetting your device.
DĂ©sinstaller manuellement un agent MDM
Learn how to manually uninstall an MDM agent on both Windows and MacOS, including step-by-step instructions and important prerequisites for each operating system.
Tester Primo & FleetDM
You will find essential guidelines for testing FleetDM and Primo, covering prerequisites, team functionalities, controls, queries, policies, and FAQs to ensure effective integration and usage of the MDM solution.
Informations générales
Les plateformes compatibles
An overview of platform support for Primo is provided, detailing compatible operating systems, their capabilities, and current limitations, including the note that Android is not yet supported but is a priority for T1 2025.
Gestion de Windows Home
Explore the limitations of Windows Home for professional use compared to Windows Pro, highlighting security, management, and compatibility issues, while also discussing the benefits of upgrading to Windows Pro for enhanced enterprise support.
Introduction au Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Mobile Device Management (MDM) is crucial for effectively managing, securing, and configuring mobile devices within an organization, ensuring compliance, enhancing productivity, and reducing risks associated with data security and device management.
Configurations MDM
Chiffrement des disques et stockage des clés de récupération
The content outlines the importance of disk encryption for data security, detailing how it operates across different operating systems (MacOS, Windows, and Linux), the timeline for encryption, and the critical role of recovery keys in accessing data in case of password loss.
Politique de mot de passe
The password policy outlines the enforcement of minimum length, complexity requirements, and renewal frequency for session passwords on both macOS and Windows systems, managed through Primo and FleetDM.
DĂ©ployer Primo MDM
Inviter vos employés sur le MDM
Pour déployer le MDM auprÚs de vos employés, vous pouvez envoyer des invitations individuelles ou groupées depuis votre cockpit Primo, et il est important de noter que les informations contenues dans l'email d'invitation ne sont valables que pendant 7 jours.
Ordinateur partiellement enrÎlé
An overview of partially enrolled computers in Primo, detailing the reasons for this status, how to identify affected devices, and recommended solutions for resolving enrollment issues.
Ressources pour déployer le MDM
Vous trouverez ici des ressources complÚtes pour préparer et suivre le déploiement de la solution MDM Primo, incluant un rétroplanning, des supports de communication, et des exemples d'e-mails et de messages pour assurer une installation efficace auprÚs des collaborateurs.
Guide dâinstallation du MDM
The installation guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing Primo on your computer, emphasizing the importance of having administrative rights and offering support options for any difficulties encountered.
DĂ©ploiement du MDM: FAQ
Le déploiement de Primo pour l'installation du MDM FleetDM est accompagné de conseils pratiques, d'une FAQ pour répondre aux préoccupations courantes des collaborateurs, et d'informations clés pour assurer une transition fluide et sécurisée.
LâexpĂ©rience de vos employĂ©s pour les mises Ă jour dâOS
Vous trouverez des informations sur les mises à jour du systÚme d'exploitation pour macOS et Windows, y compris les notifications de mise à jour, les délais, et les procédures à suivre en cas de manque d'espace disque.
Utiliser le MDM de Primo
GĂ©rer vos applications via Primo & FleetDM
Learn how to manage your applications using Primo and FleetDM, including steps for installation, configuration, and removal of applications while ensuring smooth operation within your team.
Ordinateur partiellement enrÎlé
An overview of partially enrolled computers in Primo, detailing the reasons for this status, how to identify affected devices, and recommended solutions for resolving enrollment issues.
Un de vos ordinateurs a été perdu ou volé
If a computer is lost or stolen, Primo MDM offers robust security features, including encryption, password quality assurance, and remote lock or wipe capabilities, to protect your data and provide peace of mind.
Comment utiliser le Bypass Code dâiCloud
Découvrez comment utiliser le code de contournement du verrouillage d'activation d'Apple pour déverrouiller efficacement votre appareil en suivant les instructions spécifiques aux différentes versions de macOS, tout en tenant compte des considérations légales et éthiques.
Changer lâaffectation dâun ordinateur
To change a collaborator's computer, follow a structured process involving the management of the old device, assignment of the new one, and enrollment in Mobile Device Management (MDM) to ensure a smooth transition and effective IT management.
Ralentissements dâun ordinateur
Pour comprendre les ralentissements de votre ordinateur, suivez ce guide pour vérifier les performances actuelles et analyser l'utilisation des ressources à l'aide du Gestionnaire des tùches.
Deployer un EDR avec FleetDM
Learn how to deploy an EDR solution using FleetDM, including essential steps for software installation, policy creation, and configuration profile management for various operating systems.
Tracker la localisation des Macs
Accurate location data for Macs is not accessible through MDM due to stricter privacy guidelines, and the Lost Mode feature available on iOS devices is not applicable to macOS.
Zero-Touch (ZTD)
Windows Autopilot avec Primo
Windows Autopilot streamlines the deployment of new Windows devices by allowing pre-configuration, ensuring a ready-to-use experience for employees, and requires specific Microsoft accounts and licenses, along with detailed setup steps for proper implementation.
Comprendre le DĂ©ploiement en Zero-Touch (ZTD)
Le déploiement Zero-Touch (ZTD) est une méthode efficace pour configurer des appareils sans intervention physique, offrant une sécurité renforcée, une meilleure expérience pour les employés et une efficacité accrue, tout en étant intégré de maniÚre transparente avec les solutions de gestion des appareils mobiles via Primo.
Apple Business Manager avec Primo
Apple Business Manager (ABM) allows administrators to deploy Apple devices seamlessly through integration with Mobile Device Management (MDM), enabling features like Zero Touch Deployment for efficient setup and management of organizational devices.
CrĂ©er et autoriser de lâapplication FleetDM sur le portail Azure
Learn how to create and authorize the FleetDM application on the Azure portal, including steps for domain declaration, application creation, and setting FleetDM as the default MDM for new devices.
Librairie dâinstallation dâapplications
The application installation library provides guidance on installing applications, including a specific section under construction for assistance, and details for installing SentinelOne with a script example.
Librairie de configurations Windows personnalisées
Explore custom Windows configuration libraries, including guidelines for applying CSP strategies, setting background images, and ensuring compatibility across different Windows editions.
Librairie dâOSQueries pour Queries & Policies
The library provides OSQueries for querying and managing policies across different operating systems, including SQL code examples for user sessions, memory consumption, IP retrieval, and application presence detection.
Deployer un EDR avec FleetDM
Learn how to deploy an EDR solution using FleetDM, including essential steps for software installation, policy creation, and configuration profile management for various operating systems.
Migration de MDM
Windows Autopilot avec Primo
Windows Autopilot streamlines the deployment of new Windows devices by allowing pre-configuration, ensuring a ready-to-use experience for employees, and requires specific Microsoft accounts and licenses, along with detailed setup steps for proper implementation.
Migrer depuis un autre MDM
Learn how to migrate devices from one Mobile Device Management (MDM) system to another, including specific procedures for macOS and Windows devices, and the necessary steps for enrollment and configuration.