Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Utiliser et configurer le MDM
38 articles
Tester Primo & FleetDM
Learn how to effectively test FleetDM and Primo, including prerequisites, controls for managing devices, query capabilities for retrieving device information, and policies for compliance, all aimed at optimizing your MDM experience.
Désinstaller manuellement un agent MDM
Learn how to manually uninstall an MDM agent on both Windows and MacOS, ensuring you have administrative access and following the step-by-step instructions provided for each operating system.
Informations générales
Les plateformes compatibles
The page provides an overview of supported platforms in Primo, detailing the capabilities for MacOS, Windows Home, Windows Pro, Linux, and ChromeOS, along with notes on currently unsupported platforms like iOS, iPadOS, and Android.
Introduction au Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a critical solution for organizations, enabling the remote management, configuration, and security of mobile devices, thus ensuring compliance, enhancing productivity, and reducing costs and risks associated with mobile device usage.
Gestion de Windows Home
For optimal security and management in professional environments, it is recommended to upgrade from Windows Home to Windows Pro due to its advanced features and better compatibility with enterprise applications.
Configurations MDM
L’expérience de vos employés pour les mises à jour d’OS
Vous trouverez des informations sur les mises à jour du système d'exploitation pour macOS et Windows, y compris les notifications aux utilisateurs finaux, les options de report, et les procédures spécifiques en cas de manque d'espace disque.
Politique de mot de passe
The password policy outlines requirements for session password length, complexity, and renewal frequency, detailing how these are enforced on both macOS and Windows systems, including specific conditions for PIN codes and traditional passwords.
Librairie de configurations Windows personnalisées
The library provides custom Windows configuration scripts for enabling personalization CSP on Windows Pro, including detailed XML examples and important notes regarding compatibility and testing.
Librairie d’installation d’applications
The application installation library provides essential information on installing applications, including a specific installation script for SentinelOne, while also noting that the section is under construction and inviting users to seek assistance as needed.
Chiffrement des disques et stockage des clés de récupération
The page outlines the importance of disk encryption and recovery key storage across different operating systems, detailing how encryption is implemented on MacOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as the necessary actions to ensure recovery keys are securely stored during the encryption process.
Déployer Primo MDM
Inviter vos employés sur le MDM
Pour déployer le MDM, envoyez des invitations à vos collaborateurs via le cockpit Primo, en suivant les instructions d'envoi adaptées, et assurez-vous qu'ils installent l'agent dans un délai de 7 jours après réception de l'email d'invitation.
Ressources pour déployer le MDM
Prepare for the deployment of Primo, a mobile device management solution, by following the outlined communication strategies, proposed timeline, and example messages to ensure a smooth installation process and enhanced security for your organization.
Guide d’installation du MDM
Pour installer Primo sur votre ordinateur, suivez les étapes simples décrites pour macOS ou Windows, en vous assurant d'avoir des droits d'administrateur et en consultant les ressources d'assistance si nécessaire.
L’expérience de vos employés pour les mises à jour d’OS
Vous trouverez des informations sur les mises à jour du système d'exploitation pour macOS et Windows, y compris les notifications aux utilisateurs finaux, les options de report, et les procédures spécifiques en cas de manque d'espace disque.
Ordinateur partiellement enrollé
An ordinateur partiellement enrollé indicates that the enrollment process in Primo is incomplete, which can lead to issues such as the MDM not being fully active; to resolve this, administrators can identify potential problems and guide users through the necessary steps to complete the enrollment.
Déploiement du MDM: FAQ
Le déploiement de l'outil de gestion des appareils FleetDM par Primo est accompagné d'une FAQ pour répondre aux préoccupations courantes des collaborateurs concernant l'installation, la sécurité des données et les situations pouvant survenir lors du processus.
Introduction au Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a critical solution for organizations, enabling the remote management, configuration, and security of mobile devices, thus ensuring compliance, enhancing productivity, and reducing costs and risks associated with mobile device usage.
Utiliser le MDM de Primo
Ralentissements d’un ordinateur
Pour comprendre les ralentissements de votre ordinateur, suivez un guide en trois étapes pour vérifier les performances générales, analyser l'utilisation des ressources et identifier les processus gourmands en ressources via le Gestionnaire des tâches.
Ordinateur partiellement enrollé
An ordinateur partiellement enrollé indicates that the enrollment process in Primo is incomplete, which can lead to issues such as the MDM not being fully active; to resolve this, administrators can identify potential problems and guide users through the necessary steps to complete the enrollment.
Deployer un EDR avec FleetDM
Learn how to deploy an EDR with FleetDM, including detailed steps for software configuration, policy creation, and additional settings for Mac users to ensure effective security across your devices.
Un de vos ordinateurs a été perdu ou volé
En cas de perte ou de vol d'un ordinateur, le MDM de Primo offre des fonctionnalités de sécurité robustes, notamment le chiffrement des données, des exigences de mot de passe, et la possibilité de verrouiller ou d'effacer l'appareil à distance pour protéger vos informations.
Tracker la localisation des Macs
Accurate location data for Macs is generally not available to MDM administrators due to stricter privacy guidelines, and while features like remote locking and wipe commands are possible, the Lost Mode functionality found in iOS is not applicable to macOS.
Comment utiliser le Bypass Code d’iCloud
Learn how to effectively use the iCloud Activation Lock Bypass Code to unlock your device, understand the Activation Lock feature, and follow the appropriate steps for various macOS versions while being mindful of legal and ethical considerations.
Changer l’affectation d’un ordinateur
To change a collaborator's computer, follow a three-step process: manage the old computer, assign a new one from your inventory or send an enrollment invitation if it's not in Primo, and ensure the new device is enrolled in the Mobile Device Management (MDM) system for security.
Changer un collaborateur d’ordinateur
Pour changer l'ordinateur d'un collaborateur, suivez les étapes de gestion de l'ancien appareil, d'attribution du nouvel ordinateur et d'enrollment dans le MDM pour assurer une transition fluide et sécurisée.
Zero-Touch (ZTD)
Comprendre le Déploiement en Zero-Touch (ZTD)
Le déploiement Zero-Touch (ZTD) est une méthode automatisée qui permet de configurer rapidement des appareils sans intervention du personnel informatique, offrant ainsi une sécurité renforcée, une meilleure expérience pour les employés et une efficacité accrue, tout en étant optimisé par des solutions comme Primo.
Créer et autoriser de l’application FleetDM sur le portail Azure
To successfully transition to FleetDM as your MDM from Intune, follow the outlined steps to declare the FleetDM domain, create the Fleet application with the necessary permissions, and set FleetDM as the default MDM for new devices in the Azure portal.
Créer votre compte Apple Business Manager
Créer un compte Apple Business Manager est un processus simple qui nécessite de suivre des étapes pour s'inscrire, valider votre compte et l'intégrer à votre système de gestion des appareils, permettant ainsi un déploiement sans contact des appareils Apple.
Windows Autopilot avec Primo
Windows Autopilot simplifies the deployment of new Windows devices by allowing pre-configuration, enabling a seamless setup for employees while outlining prerequisites, setup procedures, and management guidelines.
Creation and authorisation of the FleetDM application on the Azure portal
To successfully transition from Intune to FleetDM as your MDM solution, follow the outlined steps for declaring the FleetDM domain, creating the FleetDM application in the Azure portal, and setting FleetDM as the default MDM for new devices.
Deployer un EDR avec FleetDM
Learn how to deploy an EDR with FleetDM, including detailed steps for software configuration, policy creation, and additional settings for Mac users to ensure effective security across your devices.
Librairie d’OSQueries pour Queries & Policies
Explore a comprehensive library of OS queries for managing user sessions, resource consumption, current IP addresses, and device compliance with Intune, accompanied by SQL examples for various operating systems.
Librairie de configurations Windows personnalisées
The library provides custom Windows configuration scripts for enabling personalization CSP on Windows Pro, including detailed XML examples and important notes regarding compatibility and testing.
Librairie d’installation d’applications
The application installation library provides essential information on installing applications, including a specific installation script for SentinelOne, while also noting that the section is under construction and inviting users to seek assistance as needed.
Migration de MDM
Migrer depuis un autre MDM
Learn how to migrate MacOS and Windows devices from one MDM to another, including procedures for supervised and unsupervised devices, as well as detailed steps for managing the migration process via Intune and FleetDM.
Créer et autoriser de l’application FleetDM sur le portail Azure
To successfully transition to FleetDM as your MDM from Intune, follow the outlined steps to declare the FleetDM domain, create the Fleet application with the necessary permissions, and set FleetDM as the default MDM for new devices in the Azure portal.
Windows Autopilot avec Primo
Windows Autopilot simplifies the deployment of new Windows devices by allowing pre-configuration, enabling a seamless setup for employees while outlining prerequisites, setup procedures, and management guidelines.
Creation and authorisation of the FleetDM application on the Azure portal
To successfully transition from Intune to FleetDM as your MDM solution, follow the outlined steps for declaring the FleetDM domain, creating the FleetDM application in the Azure portal, and setting FleetDM as the default MDM for new devices.