Migrating Macs
Work in Progress
Migration Windows Devices
Migrating from Intune
Follow these steps to migrate your devices from Intune:
Upload the following script
- Find your full MDM URL:
- The format is:
- Replace
with the company name / domain that is present in the Fleet URL
- The format is:
- Paste it in the script, replacing
- Upload the script on the your MDM instance (Controls > Scripts)
$EnrollmentsPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\"
$Enrollments = Get-ChildItem -Path $EnrollmentsPath
$DiscoveryServerFullUrls = @("INPUT_URL_HERE")
Foreach ($Enrollment in $Enrollments) {
$EnrollmentObject = Get-ItemProperty Registry::$Enrollment
if ($EnrollmentObject."DiscoveryServiceFullURL" -in $DiscoveryServerFullUrls ) {
$EnrollmentPath = $EnrollmentsPath + $EnrollmentObject."PSChildName"
Write-Host "Suppression de l'inscription : $EnrollmentPath"
Remove-Item -Path $EnrollmentPath -Recurse
Write-Host "Inscription supprimée. Réinscription de l'appareil..."
& "C:\Windows\System32\deviceenroller.exe /c /AutoEnrollMDM"
Write-Host "L'appareil a été réinscrit."
Create a policy to migrate
- Re-use the URL from above
- Paste it in the query below, replacing
SELECT 1 FROM registry WHERE path LIKE 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\%%' AND name = "DiscoveryServiceFullURL" AND data NOT IN ("INPUT_URL_HERE")
Link script to policy
- Navigate to Policies > No team
- Click on “Manage automation” and link the script you uploaded to the newly created policy